Lose Weight in the New Year

Losing weight safely and keeping the weight off long-term requires some forethought and planning on the part of the person determined to get in shape. Every New Year many people resolve to lose weight. Weight loss is difficult, and in order to be successful it takes motivation, dedication and the will to stay focused and on track with goals. Medical weight loss in Ocala can help make the weight loss process easier, especially if you follow a few simple steps.

Set a Goal

Determine what would be a reasonable amount of weight to lose each month, and write down that goal. The goal should be in a range that you can accomplish safely, so set a goal of two to three pounds a week. Losing a lot of weight quickly will generally result in gaining it all back, so go for slow and steady weight loss.

Keep a Journal

Get a journal so that the goal can be tracked, as well as what is eaten daily. If you make a contract with yourself to be honest about what is eaten on a daily basis, even when you go off-track you can journal what happened that day to sabotage the diet. Understanding out-of-control eating is the first step to eliminating the problem.

Set a Diet End Date

Write on page one of the journal how much weight you will lose by a specific date. If you want to lose 50 pounds and resolve to lose 5 – 10 pounds a month, then the end date is easy to determine.

Develop a Food Plan

Research healthy recipes that are easy to fix, and have those recipes on hand when grocery shopping. Lots of lean protein, vegetables and fruit and lots of water are important to diet success.

Tell your friends that you are losing weight for the New Year, and ask them for support. Medical weight loss in Ocala can be your successful resolution for the New Year.



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