Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite is quite common; in fact some estimates suggest that as many as 90% of women are plagued with this cottage-cheese, dimpled-looking condition. However, many of these people don’t know what cellulite is, let alone how to prevent or diminish its appearance. It’s not really a mystery, once you dissect the plot.

Cellulite Definition

Cellulite, most commonly located on the thighs and buttocks, is thought to be caused by poor skin elasticity. Over time, fat cells may become too large for the natural fibers to hold the skin. When this happens these compartments bulge, forming uneven layers of fat.

Cellulite Causes

You don’t have to be obese or overweight to have cellulite — thin people have it too. Cellulite relates to skin elasticity and fat cells, not the thinness of a person. Because women tend to have cellulite more than men, many physicians believe it’s due to high levels of estrogen.

Bad circulation and fluid retention tendencies can contribute to developing cellulite. Aging is another factor that may lead to cellulite as the subcutaneous layer of skin becomes skinner as we get older. Over time, the contents of this layer redistribute, causing the dimpled, cottage cheese appearance.

A poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are often contributors to cellulite. A lack of exercise can harden connective tissue, leading to dimples. Diets consisting of excess processed foods, caffeine and alcohol are also a cellulite promoter as toxins get trapped in the cells. Not drinking enough water can cause fewer toxins to be flushed from the body, leading to cellulite. Smoking also hardens connective tissue layers, and is another culprit. Lastly, medications, such as birth control pills, diuretics and sleeping pills can lead to cellulite formation.

If you have cellulite, speak with Dr. Holloway at our Ocala office to discuss treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite.


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