5 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Close-up of a man's legs from behind as he is running on a trail in the woods. He is wearing sneakers.A significant portion of adults in the United States is overweight. Many individuals have tried fad diets or short-term weight loss solutions that, unfortunately, fail to produce long-lasting effects. Worse yet, some of these strategies can cause patients to regain the weight they had lost, and others can even cause long-term damage to the body. 

If you are one of the countless Americans struggling to lose weight in a healthy and effective way, our highly-qualified team of weight loss physicians would be glad to help. Here are a few general weight loss tips we like to share with our patients:

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet. Some patients overindulge in one food group while neglecting the others, which robs them of nutrients they need to properly fuel their bodies. A well-balanced diet should include portions of fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains, and protein. Often, planning and keeping track of meals, nutrients, and portion sizes can curb unhealthy habits.
  2. Reduce your sugar intake. Unlike the rest of the food groups mentioned above, sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever. While it may not be realistic to go “cold-turkey” and remove all sugar from your diet immediately, it can be helpful to start paying attention to the amount of sugar you eat and gradually incorporate healthier choices into your diet.
  3. Develop an enjoyable exercise routine. The key to sticking to a consistent workout schedule is to find an exercise that you actually enjoy. Thankfully, a number of fun workouts exist, from swimming to kickboxing to Zumba. Try them out and pick your favorite!
  4. Stock and organize your kitchen well. Be mindful not only of the groceries you buy but of the way you organize your refrigerator and pantry. In a cluttered kitchen, there may be expired items that take up space you could fill with healthy snacks. In addition, less-than-nutritious food is much more accessible when it’s sitting right there on your counter. Remember that you have the freedom to strategically stock your shelves, so you know where each wholesome, nutritious item lives.
  5. Have a professional weight loss team on your side. At Lifestyle Solutions MedSpa, we can develop a physician supervised weight loss program based on your body type, age, nutritional needs, and exercise preferences. We thoroughly examine your medical history and use blood panels, metabolic tests, and electrocardiogram (EKG) tests to determine the best course of action for you. Then, we personalize your weight loss program to create a safe, effective path to a healthier lifestyle. As part of our top-notch medical and dietary counseling services, our doctors may also prescribe weight loss medications (including Belviq®, Contravea®, and Qsymia®) or fat burning injections to help patients achieve their individual goals.

For more information about losing weight safely, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our caring staff today.


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